Classic and Classy Motorcycles Ltd

V55/5 DVLA Registration for Imported Motorcycles

Complete Guide to Registering Your Imported Motorcycle with the DVLA

Get a V55/5

The V55/5 for is available to print off from the DVLA Website.

Filling the V55/5 form in

Not all of the question need to be answered

Q2: If the Motorcycle is over 40 years old write Historic, if it is under 40 years old write Motorcycles

Q3: Write 6 or 12 months for the period of Tax

Q4: Registration Box put £55 and in the Tax box but the cost of the Tax your applying for in £

Q5: Write in the Manufacture name.

Q6: Write in the Make of the Motorcylce (Very likely the same answer as Q5:

Q7: The Model of the Motorcycle

Q8: Write Motorcycle

Q9: Two Wheels

Q10: The colour

Q11: Write in. Exempt over 10 years old. (If you Motorcycle is not over 10 years old you will need to that procedure)

Q17: Write number of seats that will be One or Two

Q25: Year of Manufacture

Q31: Write Petrol

Q32: Write in the Vin / Frame number

Q33: Write in the Engine number

Q34: Write in the CC

Q71: Write down all you name and address

Q72: Write in you DOB and contact details

Q73: same as Q10: Write in. Exempt over 10 years old

Q74: Write in Mileage of Motorcycle If available

Last thing: Signature and date it

This is how Page 1 and 2 should look - Read on

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More Needed to do

You need to gather together some more documents before you post.

 1. You need to prove to the DVLA what the year of Manufacture is, If you have a non UK registration document such as a Title that that will. If you dont you will need a Dating Certificate, Just Google that.

 2. We always recommend that you send a copy of the Nova Document with the Nova ref: number on it. We always supply one it just confirms the Motorcycle is registered on the Nova system and that import tax is paid

 3. Copy of the MOT iff applicable. Not needed if Motorcyle is over 40 years old.

 4. Copy of documents confirming your ID and address, like Driving License or/and Passport

 5. We often send a recent copy of a utility bill as well.

 6. We send two checks. One for the registration £55 and one for the road Tax if applicable.

 7. Not need but you could send printed pictures of the Vin / frame number. Every little helps

Write a letter

Write a letter explaining to the DVLA what you are doing and what you have attached. Like the example below.

John Doe
123 Baker Street
W1 23Z

[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]

SA99 1BE


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to submit a completed V55/5 application and the necessary documents for the registration of a motorcycle that I recently purchased in the UK. I would like to clarify that I did not personally import this motorcycle from the USA.

Enclosed, you will find the following documents:

1. Cheque of £55 for Registration
2. Cheque of £96 for 12 months of tax
3. Completed V55/5 application form
4. USA Certificate of Title or Dating Certificate confirming the Year of Manufacture
5. Copy of the Nova registration
6. Copy of the MOT (Ministry of Transport) certificate
7. Copy of my Driving License for identification purposes
8. Recent utility invoice

I kindly request your assistance in processing the registration of this motorcycle. If you require any additional information or documents, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving confirmation of the successful registration.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name]

What Happens next

V55 Form Processing:

After posting the V55 form and the required documents, you can expect to receive the V55 registration form from the DVLA. This process typically takes a few weeks, so please be patient.


DVLA rejection Letter: (Don't Panic, there is always a solution)

You may receive a letter from the DVLA. This letter will contain important information and instructions regarding the rejection of your registration application for your motorcycle. It's crucial to carefully review the contents of this letter to understand what further steps you need to take.

If you do receive such a letter, it's essential to carefully review its contents to understand why your registration application was rejected and what steps you need to take next. The rejection letter typically provides detailed information on the reasons for the rejection and may include instructions on how to address the issues.

Here are some common reasons for registration application rejection and what you might need to do in response:

Incomplete Documentation:

If any required documents or information were missing from your initial application, the DVLA may reject it. In this case, you would need to provide the missing documents or information as instructed in the rejection letter.

Incorrect Information:

If there are errors or discrepancies in the information you provided, such as incorrect vehicle details or personal information, you may need to correct and resubmit the application.


Ensure that you have paid all the necessary fees, including registration and tax fees. If there are issues with payment, you might need to resolve them and provide proof of payment.

Vehicle History:

If there are concerns regarding the motorcycle's history, including issues with its title or previous registrations, additional documentation or clarification, such as a Dating Certificate, may be required.

Vehicle Inspection:

In some cases, the DVLA may require an inspection of the motorcycle to verify its that you have it,  they will give you a phone number to arrange it and an inspector will come and photgraph the frame number and Motorbike.

It's important to follow the instructions provided in the rejection letter precisely and promptly. Addressing the issues raised by the DVLA is essential to resolve the registration problem and ensure the successful registration of your motorcycle. If you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to contact the DVLA for assistance.

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Dating Certificates

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