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1968 Triumph 500cc Tiger Trophy T100C Project

1968 Triumph 500cc Tiger Trophy T100C Project

1968 Triumph 500cc Tiger Trophy T100C: A Vintage Classic


The 1968 Triumph 500cc Tiger Trophy T100C stands as a beacon of motorcycling heritage, encapsulating the spirit of adventure and the relentless pursuit of freedom. This iconic motorcycle not only showcases the engineering prowess of its era but also embodies the cultural zeitgeist of the 1960s.

Historical Context

Emerging in the late 1960s, the Triumph T100C was a testament to Triumph's dedication to performance and reliability. At a time when motorcycles were transitioning from mere modes of transport to symbols of personal freedom and expression, the T100C carved its niche as a lightweight, versatile machine, perfect for the changing landscapes of both roads and societal norms.

Technical Specifications

Technical Advancements

The T100C was notable for its robust engine and lightweight frame. Its ability to handle both paved roads and rugged terrain with ease was a testament to Triumph's engineering. The twin carburetors, a rarity for the time, offered improved performance and efficiency, setting the T100C apart from its contemporaries.

Cultural Impact

The Triumph T100C not only captivated the motorcycling community with its performance but also became a symbol of the era's counterculture movement. It represented a break from the conventional, embodying the spirit of adventure and freedom that was increasingly sought after during the 1960s. Its appearance in popular media and association with celebrities of the time further cemented its status as an iconic motorcycle.

Legacy and Influence

Today, the 1968 Triumph 500cc Tiger Trophy T100C is celebrated as a classic, a reminder of the golden age of motorcycling. Its influence is evident in modern motorcycles that strive to balance performance with style. For collectors and enthusiasts alike, the T100C remains a coveted piece, a tangible link to a bygone era of motorcycling history.

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